Instagram Strategy for Pirker’s Biohotel

Bildschirmfoto 2021 06 08 um 18.24.12

Instagram has become the new Google when it comes to holiday-inspiration. Who hasn’t felt envious when they saw friend’s Instagram posts of an awesome holiday when sitting at home with bad weather and bad mood? All those beautiful pictures of hotels, nature or good food often serve as motivation to book a holiday at a certain place. Therefore it is only logical for pirker’s to also promote their hotel through the platform Instagram in a professional way.

As mentioned in previous blogposts, one part of the social media strategy was to focus on the Instagram presence of pirker’s. They already had an account set up called @pirkers.biohotel where they engaged with their followers and guests. Here they already posted some information about the hotel, like the organic food, Easter or Christmas wishes from the family or the hotel itself. 

In order for it to be more structured and professional, a content plan for Instagram posts was created in a brainstorming session. With the help of the content plan, it is easy for the family to create content ahead of time and to schedule posts already in advance. This means, they do not have to post content right on the spot and they can post in a very regular and professional way, without having to work with a marketing agency. 

The goal was to use all formats Instagram offers in order to engage with guests and possible guests as much as possible. This means, the content plan contains regular Instagram posts, stories, reels and IGTV posts. The content plan does not only contain information about the kind of post, but also the scheduled release date, information about the content as well as an idea for the caption. We all know, it’s not easy to find a good, catchy Instagram caption these days, so it’s always great to have it planned out before posting. All in all, many kinds of different ideas were incorporated into the social media plan. The main content that will be released is related to the topics family and staff, 100% organic food, sporty-active holidays or the hotel property. Through this, the Instagram page represents exactly what the hotel is all about. Guests will know exactly what to expect and why pirker’s is such a special place for a relaxed family holiday.

The daughters Jennifer and Jacqueline are responsible for creating the content and have already released first parts of the content plan. As mentioned in the previous post, the hotel is currently undergoing a rebranding process. For this, daughter Jacqueline created a new logo, which represents what the hotel stands for. Naturally, the logo-reveal of the new logo and the story behind the train of thought was a perfect fit for the first few Instagram posts. In order to keep it interesting, the logo was not revealed all at once, but split into a 6 picture grid, posted in 6 posts. This also serves as a clear distinction between the old and new content. 

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