Explore Salzburg with the Natural Beauties

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Explore beautiful natures in Salzburg by Running with us “Natural Beauty” 

We would love to motivate people to enjoy natural sceneries in Salzburg throughout diverse outdoor activities such as hiking, running, marathon and some workouts!!

Salzburg is one of the most beautiful destinations for outdoor runners – running along the river, hikings in the mountains with waterfalls and also workouts on the bench!! Many places are ready for you to challenge and enjoy yourself from working-outs in the city area with beautiful natures.

( About Us )

Not all of us were motivated and experienced for the outdoor activities from the childhood, but to accpet who we are and how we do during workout just to go for it! 

Especially the video was filmed in the Puch Urstein along the Salzach River.

You can check out how many different types of running style we have from the youtube video ! Also more videos are available from our channel. Hope you enjoy it 😉

