Indoor Volleyball training

Salzburg recreation – Move your body and train volleyball for your soul

Salzburg´s indoor volleyball

Do you want recreation, fun and socialising at the same time? Then we invite you to join us in training the most popular indoor sport for boys and girls – VOLLEYBALL. Living a healthy and active life is a quality basis for every person. We would like to encourage you to join our trainings and hone your knowledge or discover your talent.

What do we offer you?

A lot of fun and interesting trainings combined together!

Our indoor volleyball attracts a large number of students every year. As we are aware that you are a very busy student, trainings will be organised every Monday in the evening from 20:30 – 22.00. Dates will be announced later, depending on the number of applicants. An hour and a half of recreation will be available for everyone, both beginners and those who already have some more knowledge. Trainings for boys and girls will be carried out together. Various competitions and volleyball clubs and camps will be organised frequently.

Where are we located?

Our trainings will be located at the University & State Sports Center Rif in a modern gymnasium used especially for indoor sports. Parking is available in front of the building.

What equipment do you need?

Sport clothing and indoor sport shoes are necessary. Other equipment will be provided by the University.

Do not forget !

Let your trainings be a joy and a recreation at the same time! Join us, and we promise you – you won’t be sorry. You can also invite your friends – the more of us, the more fun it will be.

Maximum number of participants is 20 persons.

Applications are accepted until the end of the winer semester. You can apply via university e-mail address or submit an application form at the information point at the Fachhochschule Salzburg in the ground floor.
E-mail address:

Registration for a course is only considered binding after payment of fees has been carried out. Reimbursement of course fees is not possible. Courses which do not have enough registrations will be cancelled by the Sports Department, reimbursement of course fees will take place within two weeks time.
Payment of any participation fee is to be completed to the FH Salzburg account before courses begin. Please include title of the course and name of participant.

More on:

Price list

Course fee is 30€ for the whole year

Sporty interview with Dasha P.

When and why did you start training volleyball?

Dasha P.: “I started training volleyball in the sixth grade. I was fascinated by this sport by my mother, who had previously played volleyball very successfully. It was the right decision because it is a very nice team sport."

What were your volleyball beginnings?

Dasha P.: “In the beginning, we mainly played in training and learned the basics of volleyball through the game. So we first learned the serve, the bottom and top bounces, so we could then start the real game. In the continuation, we learned how to hit the ball correctly, it is an attacking shot, lower and upper serve and playing in individual positions in the field. "

How did you get in the A team?

Dasha P.: “For me, the transfer to the A team was a big leap. It was exhausting as I came from training with my peers to training with really good and much better players than myself. At the time, I felt weak in a way, but I progressed over time and got better and better. Already in the ninth grade, I got the opportunity to play in the official match for the member team and at that time I was very scared. Regardless of that, I scored a few points in that match that I remember fondly."

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