RÖSTZIMMER 15 – Treasure Coffee Spots in Salzburg

As real coffee lovers, we were not only trying to look for the nicest looking coffee places, but also for the highest quality coffee we can get in the city. We were not disappointed by the offer of Röstzimmer 15 regarding both aspects. As soon as we entered this small but cozy place, the smell of the freshly brewed coffee made us immediately feel that we are on the righ place. We collected some of the things we liked the most:


As we entered the café, the first thing came into my mind is that I stepped into my always welcoming grandmother’s living room. Besides being surrounded by vintage furniture, this feeling even got stronger with smelling the fresh pastry and coffee in the air. As we ordered, we saw there is a sign leading upstairs to an other room belonging to the coffee place, which seemed to be a little contradictive compared to the welcoming area. The furniture was modern but still perfect atmosphere to spend some relaxing hours with friends next to an amazing cup of coffee. When we approached this room, we had to pass a smaller area full of huge coffee bags and roasting machine, having the feeling that we just stepped into a little workshop. This is where the owner roasts the coffee every week for the guests.


The main specialty of the coffee place is the amazing and high quality coffee roasted by the owner, Erna Reichinger. The so called “Urkaffee” is imported from Ethiopia where the coffee beans are originally cultivated and hand-picked. The product offered is fair trade so the coffee beans are bought directly by Ethiopian farmers and brought to Salzburg and roasted in one of the small rooms of the café. In the freshly roasred offer are also the strong, full-bodied Yirgacheffe, the milder Jimma and a mixture of both, the Yidja.

“Urkaffee” as Röstzimmer 15’s famous specialty


Röstzimmer 15 does not only offer amazing coffee and fresh pastries but it is easy to get lost in selecting between the different products offered on the shelves as well. For example, you can buy different teas, special chocolates, honey, poppy seed oil, coffee spice, coffee to go cups and many others. They are all very unique and a must try!

Relaxing with a great cup of tea in Röstzimmer 15



OPENING HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 8 am – pm; Friday – 8 am – pm; Saturday & Sunday – closed

Check out our video on youtube! 🙂

Our visit in Röstzimmer 15