What is your element? Earth…

“In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life – no disgrace, no calamity (leaving me my eyes), which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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Stress relief places in the area of Salzburg

The feeling of stress can sometimes be overwhelming or paralyzing. However, you might think that, getting away can be difficult. Our mission is to show that it is absolutely simple. We will show ways based on four different places nearby Salzburg which is inexpensive and perfect for your stress relief. The places found on the four elements – Air – Earth – Water – Fire.

The first place represents the Earth element that is nearby Fachhochschule Salzburg which gives a perfect opportunity to let go your stress just before or after a long day. From Fachochschule Salzburg walking to the Salzach and turning left and after walking along the river 10 minutes, you will see a small path into the forest where you will see a lovely stream with a small glade. You can also reach out by bike as well which is a good start to discharge. If you are coming from Salzburg city you can bike along the river Salzach or take the S3 regional train until Puch Urstein. 

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This hidden place is just flawless if you relish the beauty of nature and the snowy peak mountain of Untersberg will give you solace and peace. 


If you are still not convinced to discover this splendid hidden place to get away from your stress and connect with the earth, scientific research has revealed that being in the nature has a surprisingly positive impact on health when you have a direct physical contact with the surface of Earth. Therefore, you will not only find your inner peace but also will gain health benefits.

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If you are having stressful times at the University, there are no more excuses no to check out this fascinating hidden place to relax! 

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#airearthfirewater #whatisyourelement #earth #experiencesalzburg #imtesalzburg #imteb2016 #fhs #fhssalzburg

One Response

  1. Wow, this is by far the best post I have ever seen on this homepage. Really helpful if you wanna find something new but dont have the time to find places yourself. Looking forward to seeing some more if this stuff.