Instagram Paid Promotions- Promote Your Post with One Tap


Another features, next to reels, we used for our social media project was Instagram Paid Promotions.

Instagram Promotions are regular, non-advertisement posts that a user would want to convert to a sponsored post, with elevated reach. Both ads and promotions are there to increase engagement and visibility. But an ad is best for conversion as it offers way more preferences for targeting. Promotion takes a high-performing post and turns it up a notch. It takes it to the next level regarding engagement — ramping up likes, views, shares, and more.  Instagram ads are great tools to convert potential customers to repeat ones, gaining new customers but especially boosting your brand awareness. The great thing about Instagram Promotions is that they can be done directly from the phone. Instagram promotion uses algorithms in order to determine who is likely to click on your ads based on your campaign motivations. 

For our collaborations with Travel Birds, we first established the main goals we want to reach with the paid promotions as well as the budget.


Promoting the Travel Birds

Increasing number of followers

Increase the number of profile visits

Raising brand awareness

Expanding target markets

Paid promotions were used for only one week. We were mainly concentrated on Austria ,specifically Salzburg region Promotions were really successful since since the percentage of profile visits increased for 20%. Also right target market were reached with the main market of Salzburg with the 28,7%. Reached target group was mainly age groups 25-34 & 34-45 with each of 36,8%. These target groups are already main target for Travel Birds company. After this results company decided to use Instagram ads and Paid Promotions in the future.


Social media, nowadays, are a new ID for business. So it is really important to follow the trends, create new ones, and used the futures which could help the business to grow. Working with Travel Birds company was a great experience. Furthermore, both sides learned a lot from each other, but the most important is that we had lots of fun. This way of learning is a great way for students to gain insights into companies they are interested in.

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