Hallein. A Beautiful city where the Alps rise right next to the city and fields bring nice green contrast to the landscape. It is easy to forget something as small as Hallein when Salzburg city is dominating the attention. Anyway, to enjoy Austria’s incredible nature, is Hallein one of the best places near Salzburg to go exploring nature by foot, bicycle or even with kayak.

I haven’t really hike before coming to Austria, and now I have completely fallen in love with it. It is free of charge outdoor activity to enjoy the amazing views of Alps and green fields. I have got the opportunity to only go through a couple of routes in Puch bei Hallein and Hallein. I definetly need to go explore more, because do you know what? There are more than 400 marked routes in there! And good news for other hiking beginners, all the routes are very well marked.

I found out a website, www.outdooractive.com, where all the routes are marked, and the distance and difficulty rate mentioned. They list the top10 routes in Hallein to check out. Hiking route over the Barsteins in Hallein is something that I have done already twice, and it tells something. It is difficult enough, long enough and extremely beautiful. It offers the view over entire Salzburg, all the way from the city centre to Kuhl, which is the next stop after Hallein away from Salzburg.


Barmsteins are actively used for mountain climbing as well, since the walls fall directly down from the very top. Hallein is only half an hour away from the campus Urstein by walk, and two stops by train. If you decide to stay 48 hours in Hallein, is hiking one of the most budget friendly outdoor activities, because it’s free! Both Barsteins rise right next to the old town of Hallein, so they definitely aren’t far away.

No more excuses, you need to go to hike in Hallein!