Handmade jewelry from Nepal

How it started:

In the year 2016, a silver factory in Nepal was in trouble. They did not have enough customers. 12 jewelers face an uncertain future. Here is where “A Beautiful Story” started. Cathelijne (the owner of the jewelry) worked in Nepal as a volunteer and knew all the people who were about to lose their jobs personally.  That’s when Cathelijne decides to take action and do something to save the jewelry company. 

The jewelry team was sitting in a circle brainstorming with a cup of tea. Suddenly, the beautiful design of the cup catches Cathelijne eyes. And she remembers what the old Dutch said: ‘Shards bring good luck.’ Then she got the idea; they need just a little bit of luck. 

They throw the cup on the concrete floor, and every shard gets a place on a bracelet. The first Lucky Bracelet was born.

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The magazine Happinez picks up their story with a six-page spread about Nepal and the bracelets. And then it happens… They receive teacups from all over the Netherlands. Entire families want bracelets made from grandma’s rose teacups. Cathelijne smashes the cups to shards in her backyard, then sends those shards to Nepal, and they came back as jewelry. That’s how it all starts.

The magazine Happinez picks up their story with a six-page spread about Nepal and the bracelets. And then it happens… They receive teacups from all over the Netherlands. Entire families want bracelets made from grandma’s rose teacups. Cathelijne smashes the cups to shards in her backyard, then sends those shards to Nepal, and they came back as jewelry.

How “A Beautiful Story” make the difference

Their products are made on the other side of the world. Not just by producers far away but by artisans who are a part of the team. For them, the products have a very direct meaning: a reasonable income, a roof over their head, food on the table and independence.

They believe in beautiful stories. And they are so convinced by their own story that they aren’t afraid of risks. Is Nepal not the best place in the world to produce jewelry? It is. They are a family. They are loyal. And they are confident.

Fair Trade

A Beautiful Story goes beyond fair wages: they call it living wage plus. The employees feel education is very important. And because understanding their financial situation, knowing what they can do with their money, is not a logical part of society in countries like Nepal, they give extra attention to this and set up programs to ensure this.

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This post was inspired by abeautifulstory.eu

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